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6W0A6771-126W0A6771-12Wisconsin Badgers Women's Soccer vs. Maryland 09/29/22
2400 of the 3600 pictures taken so some good representation. I edit each game picture the same as I'd edit a senior picture spending time editing each one individually not just syncing a preset. A couple temporary blemishes here and there yah I may fix you up if things are really zoomed tight. The lighting and color casts at night impacting tone are always fun to deal with. With this game I was reluctant to post them as I didn't feel good about how they turned out and making them black and white is not really my thing. So I let them simmer for a while and came back to them this past January spending most of my free time getting them ready. January weather typically cooperates for that. I still made time for some NetFlix and the fam.