AD9I3563 CoverAD9I3563 CoverDeForest Girl's Soccer vs Waunakee May 21st 2024
DeForest Girl's Soccer vs Waunakee May 21st 2024

Nearly all of the 2085 pictures taken are now posted with those remaining added in Jan 2025.

After a decade plus with 3 daughters playing the game, the ride came to an end on this May Tuesday evening. The match was the final game in my family's soccer run as my last daughter still playing the game graduated at the end of the season. Even mother nature was excited about it providing her own version of fireworks.

A lightning delay and even a tornado warning not in our area of Dane County, during the match at least, was not enough to prevent this match from being played full-time. Within minutes of the match ending however, the tornado sirens sounded and a damaging severe tornadic thunderstorm hit the area. While it knocked out power for some for 2-3 days, it didn't prevent these ladies from playing and safely arriving home before things got really intense.